
We work in real time, fulfilling urgent customer needs nearly “instantly,” which requires us to be “current” at worst, “ahead” at best. 
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Execution Tenet

We have a high-speed execution model at Price. It is rooted in quick action, course correction, and knowing our key drivers of success.

By pursuing a small number of game-changing objectives each year, we can easily track our performance, counter roadblocks, and respond to customer needs.

Price Points On Execeution


Pivot in a pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the North American economy, many companies did not survive. At Price, the pandemic would become one of its toughest tests to date. The company responded by leveraging its vertical integration with in-house parts and technology and quickly developing products to support critical environments.


Hit home runs

Home Run meetings are a way to keep projects moving forward and were a long-established practice at Price well before the pandemic. Home Run meetings include all the people who could contribute to the success of the project and are an opportunity for teams to report on progress and hold each other accountable in an encouraging way.


Default to action

The commitment to execution exists at every level, most notably in the planning cycles. Execution is what powers the organization through many large-scale projects as well as a crisis like the pandemic.

E.H. Price: Foundation and Legacy